Find Your Next Jeep's Buc-ee Duckie for Jeep Ducking Here at SMG!

Around here here in East Tennessee near the Smoky Mountains we have an abundance of Jeep and Jeep Wrangler fans on display. Customizing your Jeep in all kinds of cool and fun ways has been very very popular this year in 2023. I see new accessories on passing Jeeps every day but there is one thing most of these Jeeps have in common. RUBBER DUCKIES!

Fellow Jeepers have started a fad that has spread like wildfire with owners ducking each other since 2020. It all started somewhat accidently. A lady was having a difficult time one day and needed some help from a friend. As a thank you, she drove to that friends house with a bag of duckies to hide around his house. And as a random act of kindness, she also went over to a Jeep and placed one on it with a note that said "Nice Jeep".

The owner actually noticed her leave the duck and suggested she post it on social media. What is now known as Jeep Ducking has grown since 2020 covid times and has a semi-sort of rules that revolve around kindness. 

So, if you get ducked, you can keep your duck or give to someone else as an act of kindness. If you sell your jeep, the ducks are supposed to go with the vehicle :) You can buy them for yourself for good luck and get some for your friends. Buc-ee dukee's make the perfect gift. Happy Ducking!


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